Snare Pole
The Animal Snare Pole is a durable and heavy duty equipment with great versatility to safely restrain, capture or rescue a variety of animals. It also boasts a light weight frame for easy handling.
Cidetrak IMM Mating Disruptant
The concept of insect mating disruption is not new. It has been extensively used in global agriculture. It involves the use of sex pheromones to ‘confuse’ the male insects, preventing them from finding females…
Tomahawk 28 Cat Grasper
The cat graspers are designed especially for the humane handling of cats and small animals. They are manufactured to gently restrain feral cats and other small animals while minimizing discomfort.
Tomahawk Snake Tong
This is the most humane and effective reptile handling tong available. It can be used as an extension to your arm for just about anything. This state of the art light weight tool is designed to give maximum holding pressure with …