Crackdown 10SC
Crackdown suspension concentrate is a water-based, particulate suspension of deltamethrin. The particle remain on the treated surface and so are readily available to be picked up by insects.
Crackdown offers the ease offering of an emulsion together with the residual activity. The outstanding feature of Crackdown is its ability to remain active on a wide variety of surfaces for sustained periods after treatment. Lacking oil solvents, Crackdown will not damage or stain surfaces. Crackdown is suitable for use in food storage practice and public hygiene for crawling and flying insect control in restaurants, kitchens, hospitals, hotels, food manufacturing premises, homes warehouses, etc.
• Branded product from Bayer Environmental Science.
• Odourless, stainless and long residual.
• Safe and environmental friendly.
1 litre per bottle in cartons of x12L